Soils for Europe journal is an innovative open access digital publishing platform, which provides a forum for the open review and co-creation of the European Mission Soil research and innovation roadmaps in support of more integrative and encompassing policies aiming to achieve improvements in soil health and a thriving environment for soil-related research in Europe. Created under the Horizon Europe project SOLO (GA 101091115), the platform will function as an operational tool for authoring, reviewing, publishing, hosting and archiving of documents created in the context of roadmapping activities and the identification of knowledge gaps. The platform will warrant an easier communication of intermediate outputs, generate topical discussions and increase the participation of relevant stakeholders inside or outside the consortium, in an open review process of all outputs of the project and related partnerships. Soils for Europe uses ARPHA - a technologically unique publishing platform which supports the full life cycle of a manuscript, from writing through submission, public peer-review, publication and dissemination
Soils for Europe
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ISSN 3033-0211 (online)
Publication types: Research article, Review article, Short communication, Methods, Data paper, Forum paper, Editorial, Correspondence, Corrigendum, Book review, Institutional/Society announcement, Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Opinions
Indexed: AGRIS, BASE, ChronosHub, Dimensions, eLibrary, EZB, Lens, OpenAIRE, OpenAlex, Scite, Semantic Scholar, Swisscovery, WorldCat
Archived: Zendy
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